But getting to the point. Last Sunday (yes, over a week ago), my little boy turned five years old. Five. Can you believe it? He is SO not the same little guy that joined our family a year and a half ago...
We spent the weekend camping with other families that had adopted from Ethiopia (our 2nd annual - we went last year too). So that was pretty fun in itself (and yes, post-worthy, but I'm behind you know). Very fun weekend that tired us all out. So Sunday was a little anti-climatic unfortunately. But Abi was a trooper and enjoyed himself. It was pretty low-key, a few friends came over for dinner and brownies/ice cream. The weather was beautiful. It was lovely.
Since I'm really feeling the blog-block these days, I'm going to steal an idea from Erinand use as-many-words-to-describe-as-their-age. So, since Abi is 5, here are 5 words to describe my little guy:
adorable, sweet, stubborn, charming, well-liked.
It looks like he (and you all!) are having a great summer!!!